
Keycloak provides theme support for web pages and emails. This allows customizing the look and feel of end-user facing pages so they can be integrated with your applications.

login sunrise.png
Login page with sunrise example theme

Theme Types

A theme can provide one or more types to customize different aspects of Keycloak. The types available are:

  • Account - Account management

  • Admin - Admin console

  • Email - Emails

  • Login - Login forms

  • Welcome - Welcome page

Configure Theme

All theme types, except welcome, are configured through the Admin Console. To change the theme used for a realm open the Admin Console, select your realm from the drop-down box in the top left corner. Under Realm Settings click Themes.

To set the theme for the master admin console you need to set the admin console theme for the master realm. To see the changes to the admin console refresh the page.

To change the welcome theme you need to edit standalone.xml, standalone-ha.xml, or domain.xml. For more information on where the standalone.xml, standalone-ha.xml, or domain.xml file resides see the Server Installation and Configuration.

Add welcomeTheme to the theme element, for example:


If the server is running you need to restart the server for the changes to the welcome theme to take effect.

Default Themes

Keycloak comes bundled with default themes in the server’s root themes directory. To simplify upgrading you should not edit the bundled themes directly. Instead create your own theme that extends one of the bundle themes.

Creating a Theme

A theme consists of:

Unless you plan to replace every single page you should extend another theme. Most likely you will want to extend the Keycloak theme, but you could also consider extending the base theme if you are significantly changing the look and feel of the pages. The base theme primarily consists of HTML templates and message bundles, while the Keycloak theme primarily contains images and stylesheets.

When extending a theme you can override individual resources (templates, stylesheets, etc.). If you decide to override HTML templates bear in mind that you may need to update your custom template when upgrading to a new release.

While creating a theme it’s a good idea to disable caching as this makes it possible to edit theme resources directly from the themes directory without restarting Keycloak. To do this edit standalone.xml. For theme set staticMaxAge to -1 and both cacheTemplates and cacheThemes to false:


Remember to re-enable caching in production as it will significantly impact performance.

To create a new theme start by creating a new directory in the themes directory. The name of the directory becomes the name of the theme. For example to create a theme called mytheme create the directory themes/mytheme.

Inside the theme directory create a directory for each of the types your theme is going to provide. For example to add the login type to the mytheme theme create the directory themes/mytheme/login.

For each type create a file which allows setting some configuration for the theme. For example to configure the theme themes/mytheme/login that we just created to extend the base theme and import some common resources create the file themes/mytheme/login/ with following contents:


You have now created a theme with support for the login type. To check that it works open the admin console. Select your realm and click on Themes. For Login Theme select mytheme and click Save. Then open the login page for the realm.

You can do this either by login through your application or by opening the Account Management console (/realms/{realm name}/account).

To see the effect of changing the parent theme, set parent=keycloak in and refresh the login page.

Theme Properties

Theme properties are set in the file <THEME TYPE>/ in the theme directory.

  • parent - Parent theme to extend

  • import - Import resources from another theme

  • styles - Space-separated list of styles to include

  • locales - Comma-separated list of supported locales

There are a list of properties that can be used to change the css class used for certain element types. For a list of these properties look at the file in the corresponding type of the keycloak theme (themes/keycloak/<THEME TYPE>/

You can also add your own custom properties and use them from custom templates.


A theme can have one or more stylesheets, to add a stylesheet create a file in the <THEME TYPE>/resources/css directory of your theme. Then add it to the styles property in

For example to add styles.css to the mytheme create themes/mytheme/login/resources/css/styles.css with the following content:

.login-pf body {
    background: DimGrey none;

Then edit themes/mytheme/login/ and add:


To see the changes open the login page for your realm. You will notice that the only styles being applied are those from your custom stylesheet. To include the styles from the parent theme you need to load the styles from that theme as well. Do this by editing themes/mytheme/login/ and changing styles to:

styles=lib/patternfly/css/patternfly.css lib/zocial/zocial.css css/login.css css/styles.css
To override styles from the parent stylesheets it’s important that your stylesheet is listed last.


A theme can have one or more scripts, to add a script create a file in the <THEME TYPE>/resources/js directory of your theme. Then add it to the scripts property in

For example to add script.js to the mytheme create themes/mytheme/login/resources/js/script.js with the following content:


Then edit themes/mytheme/login/ and add:



To make images available to the theme add them to the <THEME TYPE>/resources/img directory of your theme. These can be used from within stylesheets or directly in HTML templates.

For example to add an image to the mytheme copy an image to themes/mytheme/login/resources/img/image.jpg.

You can then use this image from within a custom stylesheet with:

body {
    background-image: url('../img/image.jpg');
    background-size: cover;

Or to use directly in HTML templates add the following to a custom HTML template:

<img src="${url.resourcesPath}/img/image.jpg">


Text in the templates are loaded from message bundles. A theme that extends another theme will inherit all messages from the parents message bundle and you can override individual messages by adding <THEME TYPE>/messages/ to your theme.

For example to replace Username on the login form with Your Username for the mytheme create the file themes/mytheme/login/messages/ with the following content:

usernameOrEmail=Your Username

Within a message values like {0} and {1} are replaced with arguments when the message is used. For example {0} in Log in to {0} is replaced with the name of the realm.


Keycloak supports internationalization. To enable internationalization for a realm see Server Administration. This section describes how you can add your own language.

To add a new language create the file <THEME TYPE>/messages/messages_<LOCALE> in the directory of your theme. Then add it to the locales property in <THEME TYPE>/ For a language to be available to users the realms login, account and email theme has to support the language, so you need to add your language for those theme types.

For example, to add Norwegian translations to the mytheme theme create the file themes/mytheme/login/messages/ with the following content:


All messages you don’t provide a translation for will use the default English translation.

Then edit themes/mytheme/login/ and add:


You also need to do the same for the account and email theme types. To do this create themes/mytheme/account/messages/ and themes/mytheme/email/messages/ Leaving these files empty will result in the English messages being used. Then copy themes/mytheme/login/ to themes/mytheme/account/ and themes/mytheme/email/

Finally you need to add a translation for the language selector. This is done by adding a message to the English translation. To do this add the following to themes/mytheme/account/messages/ and themes/mytheme/login/messages/


By default message properties files should be encoded using ISO-8859-1. It’s also possible to specify the encoding using a special header. For example to use UTF-8 encoding:

# encoding: UTF-8

HTML Templates

Keycloak uses Freemarker Templates in order to generate HTML. You can override individual templates in your own theme by creating <THEME TYPE>/<TEMPLATE>.ftl. For a list of templates used see themes/base/<THEME TYPE>.

When creating a custom template it is a good idea to copy the template from the base theme to your own theme, then applying the modifications you need. Bear in mind when upgrading to a new version of Keycloak you may need to update your custom templates to apply changes to the original template if applicable.

For example to create a custom login form for the mytheme theme copy themes/base/login/login.ftl to themes/mytheme/login and open it in an editor. After the first line (<#import …​>) add <h1>HELLO WORLD!</h1> like so:

<#import "template.ftl" as layout>
<h1>HELLO WORLD!</h1>

Check out the FreeMarker Manual for more details on how to edit templates.


To edit the subject and contents for emails, for example password recovery email, add a message bundle to the email type of your theme. There’s three messages for each email. One for the subject, one for the plain text body and one for the html body.

To see all emails available take a look at themes/base/email/messages/

For example to change the password recovery email for the mytheme theme create themes/mytheme/email/messages/ with the following content:

passwordResetSubject=My password recovery
passwordResetBody=Reset password link: {0}
passwordResetBodyHtml=<a href="{0}">Reset password</a>

Deploying Themes

Themes can be deployed to Keycloak by copying the theme directory to themes or it can be deployed as an archive. During development copying the theme to the themes directory, but in production you may want to consider using an archive. An archive makes it simpler to have a versioned copy of the theme, especially when you have multiple instances of Keycloak for example with clustering.

To deploy a theme as an archive you need to create a ZIP archive with the theme resources. You also need to add a file META-INF/keycloak-themes.json to the archive that lists the available themes in the archive as well as what types each theme provides.

For example for the mytheme theme create with the contents:

  • META-INF/keycloak-themes.json

  • theme/mytheme/login/

  • theme/mytheme/login/login.ftl

  • theme/mytheme/login/resources/css/styles.css

  • theme/mytheme/login/resources/img/image.png

  • theme/mytheme/login/messages/

  • theme/mytheme/email/messages/

The contents of META-INF/keycloak-themes.json in this case would be:

    "themes": [{
        "name" : "mytheme",
        "types": [ "login", "email" ]

A single archive can contain multiple themes and each theme can support one or more types.

The deploy the archive to Keycloak you can either manually create a module in modules or use the jboss-cli command. It’s simplest to use jboss-cli as it creates the required directories and module descriptor for you.

To deploy on Linux run:

bin/ --command="module add --name=org.example.mytheme"

On Windows run:

bin\jboss-cli.bat --command="module add --name=org.example.mytheme"

This command creates modules/org/example/mytheme/main directory with the archive and module.xml.

To manually create the module create the directory modules/org/keycloak/example/mytheme/main, copy to this directory and create the file modules/org/keycloak/example/mytheme/main/module.xml with the contents:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="org.keycloak.example.themes">
        <resource-root path=""/>

You also need to register the module with Keycloak. This is done by editing standalone.xml, standalone-ha.xml, or domain.xml. For more information on where the standalone.xml, standalone-ha.xml, or domain.xml file resides see the Server Installation and Configuration.

Then find the theme tag under keycloak-server subsystem and add the module to theme/modules/module. For example:


If the server is running you need to restart the server after changing standalone.xml, standalone-ha.xml, or domain.xml.


If the same theme is deployed to both the themes directory and as a module the version in the themes directory is used.