Policy Evaluation API

When writing rule-based policies using JavaScript or JBoss Drools, Keycloak provides an Evaluation API that provides useful information to help determine whether a permission should be granted.

This API consists of a few interfaces that provides you access to information such as:

  • The permission being requested

  • The identity that is requesting the permission, from which you can obtain claims/attributes

  • Runtime environment and any other attribute associated with the execution context

The main interface is org.keycloak.authorization.policy.evaluation.Evaluation, which defines the following contract:

public interface Evaluation {

     * Returns the {@link ResourcePermission} to be evaluated.
     * @return the permission to be evaluated
    ResourcePermission getPermission();

     * Returns the {@link EvaluationContext}. Which provides access to the whole evaluation runtime context.
     * @return the evaluation context
    EvaluationContext getContext();

     * Grants the requested permission to the caller.
    void grant();

     * Denies the requested permission.
    void deny();

When processing an authorization request, Keycloak creates an Evaluation instance before evaluating any policy. This instance is then passed to each policy to determine whether access is GRANT or DENY.

Policies determine this by invoking the grant() or deny() methods on an Evaluation instance. By default, the state of the Evaluation instance is denied, which means that your policies must explicitly invoke the grant() method to indicate to the policy evaluation engine that permission should be granted.

For more information about the Evaluation API see the JavaDocs.

The Evaluation Context

The evaluation context provides useful information to policies during their evaluation.

public interface EvaluationContext {

     * Returns the {@link Identity} that represents an entity (person or non-person) to which the permissions must be granted, or not.
     * @return the identity to which the permissions must be granted, or not
    Identity getIdentity();

     * Returns all attributes within the current execution and runtime environment.
     * @return the attributes within the current execution and runtime environment
    Attributes getAttributes();

From this interface, policies can obtain:

  • The authenticated Identity

  • Information about the execution context and runtime environment

The Identity is built based on the OAuth2 Access Token that was sent along with the authorization request, and this construct has access to all claims extracted from the original token. For example, if you are using a Protocol Mapper to include a custom claim in a OAuth2 Access Token you can also access this claim from a policy and use it to build your conditions.

The EvaluationContext also gives you access to attributes related to both the execution and runtime environments. For now, there only a few built-in attributes.

Table 1. Execution and Runtime Attributes
Name Description Type


Current date and time

String. Format MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss


IPv4 address of the client



Client’s host name



The client id



The value of the 'User-Agent' HTTP header



The name of the realm
